
The 16 Most Dangerous and Common Drugs in the World

Most Dangerous and Common Drugs in the World
Posted by Mike Robinson

Last Updated on December 16, 2021 by

I show you a list of the 16 most dangerous and common drugs in the world , with serious effects on the nervous system and that may even be irreversible.

The use of drugs has spread over the years, causing major problems for society. Not in vain, many governments try to end this consumption. 

Most common Drugs

Most Dangerous and Common Drugs in the World


1- Krokodile

Considered by the vast majority of experts as the most potent and deadly drug of all.

Its consumption is common in the poorest neighborhoods of Russia and in some areas of Europe. Its low price makes it a very attractive drug for consumers with little economic capacity. 

As for the composition, it is made from a totally explosive combination: @nalgesics, iodine, fuels and cleaning products.

Now, its effects generate gangrene, scabies and putrefaction in the skin that is eating the body from the outside inwards.

2- Whoonga

Its use is extended by the most criminal areas of Africa. Considered as the cheap alternative to antiretroviral drugs, the manufacture of Whoonga is done through the combination of HIV drugs and rat poison.

Regarding its effects, it is necessary to point out that it is highly addictive and can lead to internal hemorrhages, stomach ulcers and even death. The form of intake is similar to that of m@rijuana or tobacco.

3- Bath salts

Established as the third most dangerous substance on the entire planet earth, its effects are very similar to that of amphetamines and cocaine. This acts on the personality, altering it so that the person is exposed to depression, psychosis or even suicidal thoughts. It can also lead to a heart attack.

Its hallucinogenic effects take the person to extreme limits. One of the most famous cases was that of a young American who was found eating someone else’s face.

4- Angel dust

Called chemically as phencyclidine, angel dust is considered one of the most fearsome drugs in the world.

The effects that it normally entails are the loss of concentration capacity and logical thinking, blocking brain functioning. The thoughts and the mood are severely affected as well.

In the long term, it produces different depressive symptoms and weight loss, something that can last for years.

5- Flakka

This substance began to be marketed as a type of legal drug and then banned.

It is a powerful stimulant disguised as methamphetamine that causes the pulse and activity of the heart to rise to unsuspected levels, which can lead to heart failure.

The brain does not get rid of damage, either, because the flakka directly affects the regulation of setralin and dopamine.

6- Crystal methamphetamine

One of the most widespread drugs in Latin America – especially in Mexico – as it is one of the most easily achievable and manageable drugs. It is estimated that only in the Aztec country there are hundreds of clandestine laboratories.

It was created in 1887 and its use was extended during the Second World War so that soldiers were able to stay awake. Its legality extended until the decade of the seventies.

Its constant intake causes a gradual destruction of the organism, affecting brain and bones.

It is estimated that with three years of consumption of this drug, the psychotic level is equivalent to that of a high-grade schizophrenic.

7- Crack

The crack appeared in the eighties and, since then, more than ten million people have succumbed to this drug to become addicted.

 From the beginning, its rarity raised its price to exorbitant figures, but with the passage of time, its composition was reduced to a mixture of sodium bicarbonate so that it could be available to more people and be sold at low cost.

Its use can occur in problems of the kidney, liver and lungs, in addition to causing permanent damage to the different blood vessels of our body.

8- Heroin

Heroin is a “classic” in the world of drugs. Known for its high level of addiction, it is said that just by trying it once, you become dependent.

Its use dates back to the nineteenth century, being designed in 1874 by the chemist Alder Wright. It was originally used to treat severe chronic pain and physical trauma, but over the years it eventually became an illegal drug.

Its effects could be summarized as muscle weakness, insomnia, chills and damage to the circulatory system, leading to gangrene.

9- Escopolamine

Commonly referred to as the “rape drug”, scopolamine has spread around the world, especially in dens and bajunos neighborhood gambling dens.

It comes from the Solanaceae plant , native to areas such as Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela and can be found in the form of powders.

As its nickname indicates, it is used to leave the person incapacitated to react to some type of harassment. Whoever consumes it can not distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Once the effect is over, the victims lose their memory for several hours.

On the other hand, the CIA acknowledged that in 1993 it had used the drug as a serum of truth during the period corresponding to the Cold War. However, the results were not as expected.

10- Purple Drank

In liquid form and of purple color, it is composed of gas mixed with cough syrup, codeine and promethazine. In other occasions, the gaseous liquid can be changed by simple mineral water.

Its effects are of maximum euphoria, also accelerating the motor abilities.

However, one of the greatest risks to which the consumer is exposed is to suffer from heart failure and multiple respiratory problems.

As a curiosity, it is common to hear it mentioned in the rap songs of artists such as Jay Z or Big Moe.  

11- AH – 7921

This synthetic opioid drug has been legal until January 2015 in Spain, hence its nickname of “legal her0in”. Its composition was characterized by having 80% morphine.

The problems to which they are respiratory and circulatory type, such as gangrene.

So far there has been only one death, although experts constantly emphasize the danger that entails.

12- Khat

Coming from a phanerogam plant between 1.5 and 20 meters, it has a powerful narcotic effect producing a state of euphoria followed by a strong stupor.

The feeling of joy and liberation, will be accompanied by laughter and loquacity to lead to a “slump” that can end in a delirium tremens.

In the long term, it can cause different types of cancer such as oral or gastric, as well as cerebral hemorrhage, hypertension or degeneration of the genitals.

13- Ketamine

Ketamine is known as “the horse’s painkiller”, since its use is intended for these.

As for the effects that we can find is the hallucinogen. It lasts around two hours, time in which we will feel different feelings, sometimes reaching extreme points.

The consumer can be so far from reality that the risk of putting himself in danger is very high.

Its continued use causes side effects in the bladder, memory loss and different psychological alterations. On the other hand, an overdose can lead to respiratory failure and later, to death.

14- Popper

The drug Popper has a pleasurable function, returning an energy that we have lost.

Its effect is immediate, since it only takes a few minutes to notice it. It is considered a synthetic recreational substance, which is usually consumed in different bars, clubs, parties and concerts with the main objective that the consumer does not decay at any time.

The highest consumption of Popper occurs in young people of 18 and 24 years of age.

The problems are tachycardia, high heart rate, redness of the face and hands, respiratory problems, vomiting, headaches and nosebleeds.

15- Amphetamines

One of the few medical treatments that has the use of amphetamines is intended for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The risk of addiction is present, although it is usually once you have begun to consume routinely. Each time more and more doses are needed, something that can lead to a psychosis and schizophrenia with hallucinations and delusions.

16- Cocaine

We could not finish the article without mentioning the possibly most famous drug in the world.

This substance is called “the champagne of drugs” because of its high price. You have probably heard about her in several films, being a large part of them.

The sensation that it produces is of well-being and affects practically the whole body. Its consequences range from a stroke or a heart attack to death. 

It is one of the most addictive drugs in the entire market, which has been able to destroy the lives of thousands of people around the world.

Without going any further, ten percent of adults in the United States had used this substance at some time.

Drug classes

It is necessary to specify what type of drugs exist in the market. The classification can be done according to their legal status, their pharmacology or if they are hard and soft. Regarding the former, their status usually varies depending on the country in which you are.

 According to your legal status

  • Licit drugs: substances that are accepted and their consumption is totally legal. They can be used in accordance with the wishes of the consumer. Examples of this group are alcoholic beverages or tobacco.
  • Drugs for medicines: these types of drugs are used by medical prescription. They must be prescribed by an expert with authority.

Normally, its use is limited to disturbances of dreams, moods or painful illnesses (they calm the pain).

  • Drugs or illicit substances: they are illegal and their use is prohibited, persecuted and punished by law. Next to them is a large hidden market that moves around the world.

According to its pharmacology

  • Depressant drugs: depressant drugs have the function of slowing down, hindering our rationalization, blood pressure, pulse, etc …

Its most damaging effects can be coma or even death.

  • Stimulant drugs: this type of substance produces a series of temporary “improvements” in both physical and neurological activity.

This can produce an increase in the state of alarm, productivity and activity. Vulgarly explained, they work as a kind of energy drink but with multiplied effects.

  • Hallucinogenic drugs: of the most common. They are the drugs that produce changes in perception, consciousness or emotions. One of the best known of this group is the famous LSD.
  • Opioid drugs: Substances that bind to opioid receptors located in the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Among them we can find morphine, methadone or her0in.

Hard and soft drugs

  • Hard: Cause addition and dependence both physically and mentally together. In its origin, the term was denominated for the most addictive drugs. Among them we can find cocaine, opioids, amphetamines or even alcohol.

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  • Soft: Substances whose addition is only physical or psychic, never at the same time. Typical of this group is cannabis or caffeine.

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