The main types of nationalism are oppression, irredentism, prestige and caution. Nationalism is a complex and multidimensional term that implies a communal identification shared with the nation. It
Before learning about assertive communication techniques we need to know what Assertiveness is. Assertiveness can be defined as “the ability to respect others and to make ourselves respected by
The popular psychology myths are common; in fact, there is much information that has been misunderstood and misrepresented. Sadly, this information is passed from one person to another and from
Fear is a common thing and how to beat fear is the most common question. Fear is an experienced emotion when it is perceived that there is a threat, real or imagined, in the present, future or even
The mobile addiction is common and can be seen in everyday life; People who eat with others talking about Whatsapp, others who do not stop to check if they have a new message, people who stumble on