Nocturnal enuresis the child bed wetting is a common problem in childhood, which can also occur in teens and even adults. Urinary incontinence is characterized during sleep. Your child sleeps so
Are you stutterer and feel frustration stop stuttering and shame every time you talk in public? Do you think your child has symptoms of stuttering and you want to help him overcome the problem?
The stuttering or stammering can be normal in young children when they begin to develop long sentences. Are you stuttering and embarrassed to speak in public? You may have noticed that your child
Yes, you can also do things to prevent child abuse, at home, in your environment or in your community. Of course, it is true that in general terms governments are also responsible and must develop
The disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common developmental disorders in children and may continue into adolescence and adulthood. It is characteristic of
The child abuse is a common sociological phenomenon; A quarter of all adults report having suffered child abuse physical maltreatment as a child. Other surprising information / data on this type of
The child labor is an issue of concern worldwide. Thousands of children are forced to perform very hard tasks daily. You may be wondering what the boundary between child labor or exploitation is and
Importance of Values Education is defined as a process of learning through which people understand, are interested and put into practice the values necessary to live in society: justice,
The consequences of the effects of bullying in adults and children’s are very serious, physical and especially psychological, and some people can have squeal throughout their lives. Perhaps, if
Selective Mutism in child The selective mutism in a child is an anxiety disorder characterized as a difficulty usually starting in childhood, presented persistently in those social situations where