Dysthymia or dysthymic disorder is a mood disorder characterized by a persistently depressed state of mind. It is distinguished from a major depressive episode in severity, chronicity, and the
Clinophobia is an abnormal, unreasonable, and long-lasting fear of going to sleep. Anxiety can occur as a specific reaction to getting into bed or, more generally, to falling asleep. People often
The traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) or Traumatic brain inujury ( TBI ) is an impact in the brain which occurs due to an external force that can lead to decreased or altered level of
The Alzheimer ‘s disease (AD) is a disease whose main characteristic degeneration of the brain. Thus, Alzheimer’s is a progressive dementia, of slow evolution, that begins in
Piaget’s theory proposes that the cognitive development of the child occurs in four general stages or qualitatively different universal periods. Each stage arises when an imbalance occurs
Atelophobia is a type of specific phobia in which a person is afraid of being imperfect. In most phobias, the thing that is feared is a specific object or situation. In this case, the thing that is
The illegal drugs are drugs that have restrictions of use or ownership by the government, and are illegal in certain situations. Countries have different laws about different drugs and there are
Love, scientifically , is an impulse of mammals, like hunger or thirst. According to the expert Helen Fisher, the experience of love is divided into three stages: lust, attraction and
In this article I will explain 10 activities and games for autistic children that will help them to have fun and to learn various skills. The Autism is a neurodevelopmental syndrome that
What is Scotophobia? Scotophobia is an irrational and extreme fear of the dark. It means staying away from places and situations that are dark. Scotophobics experience fears just by thinking about