Tobacco Withdrawal Syndrome the withdrawal to snuff is a series of physical, bodily and mental reactions that occur when a person suffers from addiction to a substance stops using. The syndrome is a
Speed Drug Effects the speed is the name given to a synthesized drug from amphetamine sulfate consumed nasally (snorting) or orally. The main consequences of speed are feelings of well-being,
What is delirium tremens Delirium tremens means “trembling delirium” and is part of the confessional disorders of consciousness. These disorders are characterized by two fixed elements: a
The chronic alcoholism is characterized by habitual and repeated psychological difficulty to control the consumption of alcoholic beverages. A person with this addiction is highly dependent on
The synthetic drugs refer to a very broad set psycho stimulant which is manufactured by chemical processes. Thus, unlike other types of psychoactive substances, these drugs are not obtained from a
The hallucinogens are a type of drugs being consumed can cause some hallucinatory experience or distortions of reality. In fact, this type of drugs integrate what are denominated as substances
There are many prejudices that it provokes about our organism and mental level, but for sure the alcohol does not eliminate neurons. This belief emerged from some political-social movements to
Helping a gambler is essential so that he can overcome his problem with gambling and avoid its negative consequences in the long run. The gambling is a mental illness classified as an addictive
Addiction to shopping is a compulsion to spend money, regardless of need or financial means. The shopping addict is someone who shops compulsively and may feel that he has no control over his
There are 6 types of drugs, with different effects depending on their active ingredients: cannabis, opiates, stimulants, legal (nicotine and alcohol) and designer drugs. There really is a fine line