What is Trypophobia? Trypophobia, or “phobia of holes,” is the extreme fear or repulsion caused by any pattern of geometric figures closely together, tiny holes. However, they can also be
Dog therapy is used to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and social development of a healthy or sick person. The systematic use of therapy dogs is attributed to nurse Elaine Smith. Smith
In this article, I will explain how to control anxiety with 10 simple steps that will greatly improve your quality of life. All at some time in our lives, we have felt its symptoms and we have had
The consequences of child abuse in the child can be incredibly negative for their well-being and subsequent development. We live in a world full of violence from which children cannot escape
The frontal lobe is possibly the brain area that most distinguishes humans from the rest of the animals. For this reason, it has aroused special interest in the researchers, who have carried out
The relationship between tryptophan and anxiety, as well as other psychological conditions such as depression, is mostly modulated by the function that this amino acid performs on serotonin.
Sleepwalking in children, characterized by a sequence of more or less complex behaviors that occur during slow-wave sleep, occurs between phases 3 and 4 of NREM sleep, usually in the first third of
Next, we are going to show you some activities and dynamics for hyperactive children that can be used to improve skills and competencies that are not completely acquired. Hyperactive children or
The intrusive thoughts are unconscious thoughts that disrupt normal attention or activity and obsessions can become difficult to remove. These ideas or involuntary visions are often aggravated by
The fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic disease characterized by the presence and development of tender points throughout the musculoskeletal system and also affects mostly women (Guinot et al., 2015).