Bufonophobia is an excessive and irrational fear of toads. The word bufonophobia comes from the Latin bufo (toad) and the Greek phobia (fear). This phobia is different in each person in that the
Bibliophobia is an exaggerated and irrational fear of books or reading specific texts. This kind of phobia is caused by negative experiences with books or reading. It can be generated by a lack of
What is Phallophobia? Some people are unable to confront the male sexual organ due to a fear known as phallophobia. This fear can even cause an instant loss of control. This condition can occur in
What is Arachnophobia? Arachnophobia is a specific phobia that is based on a severe fear of spiders and other small animals that are similar to them, like scorpions. Even though many people are
Amaxophobia, or the fear of driving, has been a growing phobia in our society during the last few years. I think anyone would agree to conclude that, like many other phobias, the fear of driving
Phagophobia, or the fear of swallowing, is a very specific and rare phobia. Sometimes it can be confused with photophobia or the fear of drowning. The big difference is that those who suffer from
w What is acrophobia the acrophobia or fear of heights is a phobia or irrational fear of heights. People who experience it experience panic attacks in high places and shake to try to get safe. It
Gynophobia is an extreme fear of dogs, much higher than what is considered normal. Some people with this phobia can suffer from severe panic attacks when they encounter a dog. If you have this
Emetophobia is an irrational fear associated with vomiting. It includes the extreme terror of wanting to vomit yourself or seeing another person vomit. It also includes the fear of feeling nauseous,
Learning how to overcome a phobia that prevents achieving goals in life or having a good quality of life is very important. If allowed to continue, it can increase in intensity and be more