The obsessional neurosis is a term that defines a mental disorder associated with nervous tension and mental disorders. It is about a psychological disorder postulated from psychoanalysis by Sigmund
Uranophobia is the irrational fear of the mystical idea of a paradise and not being worthy of it. As is reasonable, this is a fear derived from the fear of dying and not having done enough to deserve
A phobia is a persistent worry or anxiety associated with the fear of an item or particular circumstance. For example, some people fear water, heights, or small places. Others worry about
What is Podophobia? Podophobia is an irrational fear of feet that can make a person feel disgusted, rejected, or repulsed. Podophobes can feel rejected just as much by other people’s feet as by
Agliophobia is the fear of pain or suffering. The origin of the word aglia is Greek (meaning pain), and the origin of the word phobia is Greek (meaning fear). The fear may be worse than any pain that
What is Katsaridaphobia? The fear of roaches, also called katsaridaphobia, is an irrational and persistent fear that is intense and irrational for those suffering from it. This insect is repulsive
Pentheraphobia is an unfounded fear and dislike of one’s mother-in-law. This can be unjustified and persistent, which is a problem for the affected person, who may feel their options in life
A person with erythrophobia experiences an irrational and excessive dread of blushing. Individuals with this condition have a fear of any situation that could result in blushing and the usual
Rupophobia is a psychological disorder that is characterized by an irrational, excessive, and unjustified fear of dirt. It belongs to the diagnostic category of specific phobias and is a form of
Gerascophobia is an irrational fear of getting older and a severe anxiety disorder. People of all ages can be afraid of getting old. But that doesn’t mean a psychopathological change or