Research Psychology

How to sleep well?: A Complete Guide

Posted by Mike Robinson

Last Updated on October 10, 2022 by Mike Robinson

To sleep better, you need to know a few tips to get rid of bad habits, improve your sleeping environment and tame the “ruminations” caused by stressors or anxiety. Nowadays there is a major issue with using cell phones. Young generation spends most of their time using a cell phone. Normally guys in their bed send sexy good night quotes to their love, by the way, this website has very amazing good night messages to send all the night although this is a very bad habit it affects your health badly.

Here are our 10 tips for sleeping well and improving the quality of your sleep!

Get rid of bad habits that affect your sleep

1- Do not drink coffee or tea in the afternoon
to sleep well, it is better to avoid the excitants early: the last coffee after lunch, no tea, and even Coca-Cola after 16h.

2- Do not practice sports at night
Physical exercises wake up your muscles and prevent you from sleeping well.

3- Take a hot bath is a bad idea to sleep well our
body lowers its internal temperature to program sleep, it is a warm bath (37 ° maximum), which will soothe you.

4- Stop the screens at least an hour before going to sleep
Television, computer, smartphone broadcast a very exciting blue light, close to the light of day: to avoid exposing it at night! The 2016 Sleep Day was also about new technologies…

Your sleeping environment: The perfect room to sleep well

5- Keep a cool temperature in your room
always to help our body to reduce its internal temperature and prepare for sleep, be careful not to exceed 18-19 ° in your room, also sufficiently ventilated.

6- No computer or TV in the room! 
No screens, of course, because of the blue light, nor any “awakening” activity: no suspense movies, video games, but do not worry about your accounts or your program the next day. Sometimes instead of watching TV we use cell phones to send good night messages. Before bedtime, a small soothing ritual (herbal tea, make-up removal) will facilitate the transition to sleep.

7- Abed dedicated solely to sleep, to love, and to the night
it is THE advice to sleep well to absolutely remember: apart from cuddling and sex, be in your bed only to sleep. Even activities that relax you, such as reading, listening to music, are to practice out of bed!
Do not stay in bed when you cannot sleep, which can increase anxiety, nervousness, and sleep. You must be well in your bed, and not assimilate it to a negative thought.

8- Long live the darkness and silence in your room
Get rid of unwanted noises (such as ticking watches), and insulate your room in a protective cocoon. Feel free to try ear plugs if your spouse snores. Close the light with shutters and curtains: a dim light, then total darkness, stimulate the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

False beliefs and negative thoughts about sleep

9- Do not count your sleep 
Give importance to the quality of sleep rather than its quantity. Do not be convinced that lack of sleep will create an irreparable tiredness, never force your sleep by forcing you to go sleep over your schedule the next day. The long naps can disrupt the balance of sleep.

10- Listen to the signals of sleep to go to sleep
you begin to blink, to yawn, and to have heavy eyelids? It’s time to go to sleep without waiting. Your internal clock likes regular sleep patterns. Listen to your body rather than your head when it comes to sleep.

How to sleep well when stress and anxiety factors disturb your sleep?

How to sleep well when your ruminations, your emotions, prevent you from sleeping well? It is sometimes enough to revisit some of your beliefs about it, and at the same time readjust some habits with our advice to sleep well seen above. Some relaxation techniques very effectively diminish the physical and psychic tensions.

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