Social Skills

Do You Know About Tenderness?

Posted by Mike Robinson

Last Updated on December 16, 2021 by

Defining tenderness with words is not easy, but if we consult the dictionary it comes to tell us first that it is a feeling of endearing affection that we manifest before people, animals, things or situations because of their sweetness, naivety, weakness, kindness, naivety, delicacy, innocence, affection, affection or love.

The second reading that gives us the meaning of tenderness is that it is a pure and spontaneous feeling that we demonstrate with infinite care and an instinctive and disinterested need to protect and care for that being or object.

Tenderness is a state of mind where sweetness and unconditional love are mixed that comforts those who receive it and those who offer it . It relieves children, the sick, the depressed. but sometimes it is difficult for us to express this feeling because it can expose our own vulnerability. In any case, when we offer tenderness, personal satisfaction is never sought, but on the contrary, the relief of the other.

Psychology of tenderness:
However, tenderness is also @nalyzed from a scientific point of view by psychology , although very recently, which defines it as a comforting emotion. For psychology, indeed, tenderness goes beyond a sensation or a gesture towards something or someone, and it is also postulated as a type of language that has its translation in our relationships and whose implementation is very beneficial for our well-being.

In other words, practicing tenderness makes us feel good because it connects us with an emotional register that makes us experience calm, confidence and positivity when we carry it out. And although it may seem a lie, because of the material world in which we are immersed, there are many studies that show that tenderness continues to triumph. For this reason, they make us enjoy, for example, videos with animal puppies. In this case, these have a high therapeutic power generating psychological well-being.

Psychology also says in relation to tenderness that applying it provides quality to our bonds , although currently in this field it is a somewhat neglected aspect. Tenderness is an act that translates into affection and empathy within our social relationships because it is carried out directly through closeness and brings out our sweetest and most sensitive part of us.

In this way, in the couple, tenderness gives meaning to love. Without those gestures full of tenderness that we give to the other, love is not understood, neither is sexuality nor coexistence. It would be missing an important element that we transmit through the language of tenderness and that the other person perceives and makes them feel loved, respected, valuable and safe.

In the world of children and animals the power of tenderness is almost magical. Not only does it favor the instinct to protect and care in those who practice it, but whoever needs it registers it as a wake-up call .

Tenderness is also, according to psychology, a guarantee of survival because it is normally granted to those who need it the most, children, pets, the elderly, etc., and we express it through caresses, hugs and affection, something on the other hand that it confers on the recipient. a feeling of security, happiness and feeling loved.

Also Read: Social Behavior Psychology

Another positive property of tenderness is that it relieves daily stress just by being around people, things or animals that inspire that feeling , something that those who have pets at home, a decoration or a pleasant and pleasant environment know very well in your home or to those who are waiting for your loved ones with a smile, kisses and hugs after the workday.

Tenderness is the authentic expression of affection, therefore, investing in tenderness, psychologists say, is betting on the quality of our bonds and our mental health. When you feel tenderness towards your partner, another person or your pet, not only do you feel good but you notice that time flies by. Tenderness not only does not make the world more vulnerable, but the world would be another with more tenderness.

Such is the strength of tenderness that it is a source of endless harmony and forgiveness without the need to use words, only a glance or a gesture is worth it. Tenderness is heard with the heart. Unlimited generosity and without expecting any compensation is the result of the explosion of tenderness. Those who risk the most in love are the bravest, generous, compassionate and tender at the same time. Tenderness makes you great and strengthens the heart, brings out the best of the human essence and shares it with others .

Tenderness is also patience and wisdom, whoever loves has time and learns to be compassionate, understanding and tolerant. Life tends to give you back what you give. Tenderness inspires affection, trust and dedication without measure because it is a shared feeling. Tenderness should be the backbone of the human being and his bedside book to walk through life with a hard skin and a tender heart.

The first contact with tenderness is the contact with the mother’s breast, which we sometimes keep in our memory for a lifetime. The tenderness of a mother is the most disinterested of all. If we have used tenderness as the engine of our life, when death comes to us we will never regret it, it is a perfect companion. When we run out of words, we just have to let tenderness express itself. That feeling rocks us.

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