
The 14 Most Addictive Types of Legal Drugs

Posted by Mike Robinson

Last Updated on November 27, 2022 by Mike Robinson

Legal drugs are intoxicating drugs that are entirely legal by law. Of the various types of legal drugs available, alcohol is the most common. Alcohol is legal in most countries- but many international jurisdictions do not ban a wide variety of other drugs as well. They can range from intoxicating plants historically used by indigenous cultures to designer drugs that have not been defined as illegal or even medicines that have anesthetic or intoxicating effects.

According to the World Health Organization, the term drug refers to medicine or any substance made to prevent or cure a medical condition potentially.

Types of Legal Drugs


The 14 Most Addictive Types of Legal Drugs
 The 14 Most Addictive Types of Legal Drugs


However, in everyday language, the word drug sometimes means psychoactive substances for recreational purposes.

A drug is a substance that, when taken, changes the person’s brain functioning.

There are clear guidelines for legal and illegal drugs in today’s society. Most abused substances are prohibited, and their consumption and commercialization are regulated by current legislation.

There are two main types of drugs available: One that requires a prescription and the other over-the-counter (OTC) that are available without a prescription from a doctor. They are safe and effective when following the label as directed.

Such as OTC Pet Sedatives Like Benadryl.

However, not all drugs are illegal today. Many legally consumed substances are addictive and can cause brain alterations.

The decision to legalize psychoactive substances involves a series of risks. The danger or risk regarding these drugs tends to be lower, so their use and consumption are easier.

For this reason, it is essential to know the characteristics of legal drugs, especially what adverse outcomes their consumption can produce.

List of 14 legal drugs

1- Alcohol

Alcohol is the most popular legal drug. It is well known that alcohol has a psychoactive effect on the brain. Countless studies confirm Its physical and mental effects on the body.

However, the risks of its consumption seem to be somewhat more confusing. In fact, a recent survey conducted in Spain showed that alcohol has a high tolerance and low perception of risk in society.

Today there is a wide range of beverages that contain alcohol. Its consumption affects multiple brain regions, modifying their ability to function.

With reduced amounts, dopamine is activated, which provides motor activation, euphoria, and pleasure. Subsequently, the functioning of serotonin is altered, generating inappropriate social behavior and antidepressant effects.

However, there are more effects of alcohol. It stimulates acetylcholine, producing nootropic, vasodilators, and aphrodisiac effects. Also, it increases GABA, a brain-inhibiting substance.  This reduces motor skills and increases sedation.

Finally, alcohol also acts on glutamate and opioids, causing analgesia, anesthesia, and even a coma or death.

Additionally, alcohol has a strong addictive component when consumed regularly over long periods. The results are physical and psychological dependence. As a result, alcoholism is one of the leading health problems worldwide.

And it is that excessive consumption of alcohol that has negative consequences for the body, such as neuronal damage, heart damage, neuronal hypertension, pancreatitis, liver disease, malnutrition, insomnia, dementia, depression, esophageal cancer, and brain disorders.

2- Nicotine

The other popular legal drug is nicotine, consumed mainly through tobacco.

Although nicotine usage is much lower than 20 years ago, it is still quite popular in some areas worldwide. A recent national health survey indicates that 30% of the Spanish population in 2016 was a smoker.

Tobacco acts at the brain level by altering the functioning of dopamine. It does not cause psychological or mental alterations, but it causes an apparent addiction.

In fact, many studies show that nicotine is one of the most addictive types of legal drugs that exist today.

Tobacco abuse causes multiple physical changes in the body. Tobacco is associated with numerous diseases, such as lung, mouth, uterus, throat, and nose cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, osteoporosis, and heart disease, among many others.

3- Opioids

Opioids are drugs that bind opioid receptors in the central nervous system of people.

These substances attach to the brain receptors related to pain. Pain relief is the primary purpose for designing multiple drugs that contain opioids.

Medications such as Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, or Morphine are some of the most commonly used opioids today.

However, its purely medicinal use is in question today. The addictive potential of opioids is very high, which is why their medical use can lead to abuse.

In fact, in the United States, the consumption of opioids increases daily, and the number of people killed by an overdose of these substances is a serious health problem.

Although opioids are necessary in some cases of extreme pain, one must be very cautious with their consumption since the consequences of abuse of these substances can be devastating.

4- Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are among the most common types of legal drugs for anxiety today. They include drugs popularly known as Xanax, Klonopin, or Valium.

Despite their undoubted therapeutic effect in improving episodes of anxiety, the consumption of these substances is also highly addictive.

Therefore, similarly to what happens with opioids, more and more people are addicted to these substances. The abuse of benzodiazepines causes intoxications similar to those of alcohol, affecting the performance of mental functions and organ damage.

5- Caffeine

Caffeine is a methylxanthine-class central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It is a cognitive enhancer that improves alertness and attentional performance.

Many people use these drinks as brain stimulants to enhance their morning activity or improve their performance.

This substance’s controlled use does not usually negatively affect health. However, it is also not true that caffeine does not cause any damage.

This drug can be addictive, especially in those who consume it continuously and compulsively. Also, consumption in large quantities can cause symptoms such as insomnia, nervousness, excitement, increased diuresis, and gastrointestinal problems.

Additionally, caffeine can cause cardiac arrhythmia and psychomotor agitation, and damage to health can be hazardous in children and young people.

6- Energizers

A wide range of energy drinks has different levels of stimulating effects.

The substances that present these products tend to be mainly Taurine and caffeine.

As mentioned above, caffeine can be addictive and harmful to health, especially if consumed in large quantities. Some energy drinks use abnormally high amounts of caffeine, causing potentially dangerous effects.

On the other hand, Taurine is an organic acid that intervenes in the formation of bile and modifies brain function, providing energy and altering the state of mind.

Conclusions from many studies focused on examining the effects of these beverages on health concluded that they are especially dangerous when mixed with other substances, especially alcohol.

7- Anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of testosterone. People use these types of legal drugs to treat low testosterone side effects and help build muscle mass in men suffering from serious diseases such as cancer or AIDS.

However, the use of these substances among healthy people who want to increase their physical performance has been growing in recent years.

In addition, anabolic steroids have an addictive component, so their consumption can become dangerous. Performing prolonged abuse of these substances can cause severe changes in mood, irritability, paranoia, and aggressive behavior.

8- Codeine

Codeine is an alkaloid that is found naturally in opium. This substance is used for therapeutic purposes thanks to its sedative, pain relieving, and cough suppressing abilities.

Its composition is very similar to morphine, so it is a highly addictive substance.

Many easily accessible medicines, such as cough syrups, have different amounts of codeine. So it is necessary to take this type of drug with caution.

9- Ambien

Ambien is one of the drugs used today to combat insomnia and help people sleep. However, as with many psychotropic drugs, the drug is highly addictive.

For this reason, many people who begin to use this medication develop a dependency on the drug to sleep.

In addition, abuse of this drug can cause side effects. Anxiety and sleepwalking seem to be the most prevalent.

10- Plant stimulants

Rich coffee with caffeine

Other plant stimulants similar to coffee can alter the psychological functioning of people.

In fact, substances such as tea, mate, cocoa, guarana, betel, or cola drink are highly psychoactive.

These drugs perform a stimulating effect on the brain. This means that they increase neuronal activity and bring sensations of energy and vitality to the person who consumes them.

In general, the addictive component of plant stimulants is not very high, so people can consume these types of legal drugs without developing an addiction.

Of course, this does not mean they can not end up causing addiction since many consumers depend on these substances for daily performance.

When this happens, the consumption of plant stimulants usually increases, and the person can start to abuse them. The excessive and impulsive use of these substances can be harmful both to the physical condition and to the psychological functioning of the person.

11- Methadone

Methadone is a synthetic opioid used to treat pain. In addition, this drug is used frequently to help detoxify people dependent on other opioids, especially heroin.

Methadone is easy to obtain through its trademark Dolofin, and although it is an effective detoxification treatment, it can also harm your health.

Methadone, as with all opioids, is a highly addictive substance. For this reason, it can become addictive, causing intoxication and even cause death.

12- Drugs for ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychopathologies in recent years. Drugs designed to treat the disease have also recently increased along with this phenomenon.

Various medications are available, such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Concerta. These psychopharmaceuticals produce stimulating effects in the central nervous system.

The addictive component of these drugs is high, so in recent years there have been numerous cases of abuse and addictive use of these substances.

Likewise, the compulsive consumption of these drugs causes negative consequences for health. It can cause hallucinations, heart rate alterations, obsessions, paranoia, and insomnia.

13- Inhalant drugs

Inhalant Drugs

Inhalant drugs refer to a broad set of substances consumed by inhaling the mouth and/or nose.

These elements are not designed or manufactured to be consumed. Some examples of products that can act as inhalant drugs are gasoline, glue, or paints.

The consumption of inhalants has increased due to their ease of obtaining them and the psychostimulant effects they produce when consumed.

14- Legal highs

Recently, so-called “legal highs” substances have been inserted into society. These products constitute new methods of mood-enhancing stimulating substances outside the legislation and, therefore, are considered “legal.”

An example of “legal highs” is diphenidine, a compound similar to ketamine but a legal drug today.

Also Read: Inhalant Drugs: Types, Effects and Consequences

Some studies suggest that these “new drugs” developed in chemical laboratories could be numerous and diverse. Most seek the production of psychostimulant effects similar to ecstasy or methamphetamines.

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